/ blog / article-di-fm-day-of-silience-207-06-26-200706250930 Day of Silence - 2007.06.26

Published: 2007-06-25

Digitally Imported along with several other internet radio stations will not play any music on June 26, 2007. This a protest move to help make users aware of the new royalty fees being implemented on July 15th.

If you love internet radio, make sure you write your Congress Men/Women. You can c/p what I have posted to my Congress People:

As a fan of Internet radio, I was alarmed to learn that music royalty rates were recently determined by the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) which, if enacted, would certainly silence most or all of my favorite online listening services. For most webcasters, this royalty rate represents more than 100% of their total revenues!

The shuttering of the webcasting industry would be a loss for not only independent business owners, but also for musical artists, for copyright owners, and for listeners like me who enjoy the wide variety of choices available via Internet radio.

I respectfully request that Congress look into this matter and initiate action to prevent it. As the CRB rate decision is retroactive to January 1, 2006, please understand that time is of the essence — as the immediate impact of this decision could silence many free Internet radio stations forever.